Garage for Robomow MS1000

I Made simple garage for Robomow MS1000, purpose was just to have some shelter to it and keep the children away. Having the Robomow in the shade also keeps the battery in better condition longer as it does not warmup from the sun

I didn’t remeber to took many photos during the building phase, the design was simple so I think you can make it out from the pics

Frame was 2″ by 2″ (48mm x 48mm)
Roof material from katepal
Leftover paint/bricks and screws

Finished robogarage

Automatic door opening/closing mechanism. proto version

proto version


the final version has PVC pipe over the wood so that it rolls better when Robomow pushes the closing mechanism. Check out the video in the end of this post

Counter weights to balance the door

Door fastened to the frame, the balanced door moves easily as it just rests on copper pipe

Foundation is just simple brics

between the bricks and wood there is leftover roof material (bitumen) so that the moisture and water would not soften and rotten up the wood.


Send me message if you would need more pics or need more info how this was made.


  1. Reply
    Evert Spoor September 1, 2022

    Hi there,
    Thanks for your trouble to share your work with the world. I think I’m goiing to copy most of it and make some changes because I have an Ambrogio Twenty ZR. The pvc-pipe would have to be a little higher due to the radar eyes on front.

    • Reply
      admin September 29, 2022

      Hi, Great, please use and make any modifications to fit your project needs!

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